What is the difference between Implantation Bleeding and Period Bleeding
1. Introduction
looked at the basic definitions of implantation bleeding and period bleeding
and the importance of telling the two between the of them, it is important for
one to entirely appreciate the differences between the two body processes.
Implantation bleeding refers to the bleeding happening when a fertilized egg
attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. It occurs at about six to fourteen
days after the egg is fertilized. A period on the other hand refers to the
vaginal bleeding occurring at the end of one menstrual cycle. The menstrual
cycle is the shedding of the inner lining of the uterus – the endometrial
lining, throughout a woman’s reproductive life in preparation for a possibility
of a fertilized egg to get implanted and grow into a baby. It is equally
important to note that a pregnancy does not happen throughout the entire
menstrual life of a woman in the absence of a period and the complexities of
the two and the potential confusion which could arise in differences are quite
substantial to ask. It is in the light of these that focusing and understanding
distinguishing features like color, consistency, timing and the duration of the
bleeding will be very important in providing casual links and understanding.
Research and academic discourses on the same field of study. On this
background, an increased understanding in the differences in the two body
processes and their significance is achievable.
1.1. Definition of Implantation Bleeding
bleeding is typically defined as a minimal light pink or dark brown, watery, or
stringy bleeding that occurs usually prior to a woman's menstrual cycle. As the
name suggests, implantation bleeding is a phenomenon that occurs in early
pregnancy. After an egg is fertilized by sperm, it keeps on dividing until it
develops into an embryo. Three to four days after the start of fertilization,
the embryo travels down the fallopian tube and into the uterus. The embryo will
then attach itself to the uterine wall in a process referred to as
implantation. During implantation, it is normal for the woman to experience
very minimal bleeding, usually in the form of light pink or dark brown spots.
Although it is not clear what causes the bleeding, it is believed to be as a
result of some hormones that are released by the embryo and which help it to
implant into the lining of the uterus. Period bleeding, on the other hand, is
the common phenomenon that occurs in a woman as a sign of her menstrual cycle.
Also referred to as menstruation, period bleeding constitutes the part of the
menstrual cycle where a woman discharges blood, cervical mucus and other
vaginal discharge from the uterus and out of the body through the vagina.
Typically, period bleeding lasts for 3-7 days. However, what may be considered
as normal period bleeding may vary from one woman to another. Some women may
possess low flow periods which may not affect their daily activities. On the
other hand, some women may experience heavy, abnormal or prolonged menstrual
flow which may be of concern and may require medical assessment.
1.2. Definition of Period Bleeding
In medical
terms, period bleeding is known as menstruation. It's the first day of the menstrual
period when the old uterine lining leaves the body. Menstruation is controlled
by female hormones including the three estrogen, progesterone, and luteinizing
hormone (LH) which are produced by the ovaries and the pituitary gland
respectively. During the first half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen is
produced to thicken the lining of the uterus preparing it to welcome a
fertilized egg so that it can implant and develop. If the egg goes
unfertilized, it does not attach to the uterine wall and disintegrates. On the
other hand, the level of estrogen drops resulting in the disintegration of the
thickened lining and this marks the beginning of another menstrual cycle.
Menstrual fluid is made up of blood, mucus, and tissues that are shed from the
inside of the uterus. It's the body's natural way of cleaning the uterus and
protecting it from infections. Menstrual blood is usually bright to dark red
and may or may not have some clots. It should not be brown to black and if it
is, it calls for an immediate medical attention. Menstruation occurs in healthy
females from the early adolescence or puberty, with the menarche happening
between the ages of 11 and 16 years and continues until the menopause sets in
usually between the ages of 45 and 55 years.
1.3. Importance of Distinguishing Between the Two
If you have
experienced spotting or light bleeding, with constipation, pain, and discomfort
in the belly, you might be confused whether it’s actually implantation bleeding
or period bleeding and please help the reader to understand how both differ
with the above instances. Any slight mistake could be costly in this sense as
either your pregnancy could be in jeopardy or your life and health could be in
danger. If you mistake implantation bleeding for period bleeding, you may
ignore the signs of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy refers to the type of
pregnancy whereby the embryo attaches on the fallopian tubes instead of the
uterus. The dangers of ectopic pregnancy arise when the embryo grows and
triggers the rupture of the tubes leading to severe and life-threatening
internal bleeding.Implantation bleeding usually occur seven to fourteen days
after conception and this is the time when the fertilized egg attached itself
to the wall of the uterus. It is usually characterized by a brown, dried blood
looks and mild abdominal discomfort. To a keen observer, they will realize that
in the first one to two days, the spotting will be small in quantity and the
color light but it becomes heavy towards the third day. However note that
implantation blood should not be as profuse as period blood. This is helpful
not only to the reader but also to the health facilities so that they can be
able to offer the correct type of help based on the kind of blood they see. On
the other hand, if you mistake period bleeding for implantation bleeding, you
will also run problems with your health, especially if you are pregnant. Period
bleeding is the tissue and blood cells that the body could not use in pregnancy
since fertilization has not taken place and thus the uterus lining is shed.
These occur on the fourth to the sixteenth day after the ovulation. On the
third to the first day to the periods, you will experience a bright red, steady
and heavy blood flow. Please note that heavy blood flows and bright red color
of the blood are key sign that it is a period blood. However, the key
difference is the brown blood that follows and this is evident in the fourth to
the sixth day which is regarded to as the end of the period.